I have learned that lecture in short 15 minute intervals is pretty effective and then allowing them to apply what was just went over.
I gave it thought that we can become scripted on the information we provide. I have learned that the more we envovle the learner in their learning as far as giving them responsibility, they more effective the information is on sticking.
The type of learners was verry insightful to help rewcognize what types there are so that you can come up with an effective method to manage it to help benefit the student, keep it from interfering with other learners, as well as making sure it does not over take the instructor as weel.
I have learned what sychronic and asychronic discussions are and how it can be ineffective depending on the grouo size as well as the discussion content.
I also learned how to effectively give students feedback, while maintaining moral.
I learned that just the same as with anything that you are using to benefit you, you want to have confidence in that thing and what qualifies it to be used for your benefit. As an instructor we have to make sure the students are confident in our abilities to instruct them and impart our knowledge on them.
I have learned that you have to become a student of the content and understand it in order to be able to effectively deliver it to the student. It is important to do this because it builds the students confidents in me as an instructure, which aids in the students ultimate success.
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