Troy Jordan

Troy Jordan

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I really love the idea of sharing biographys with the students.  It is important to develop a relationship with each.  This can establish an environment of trust.

It is important to understand the CMS that is being utilized in order to provide an easy acclimation to an online learning environment as well as provide support to students that may be struggling.

I feel that I have expressed my feelings on adaptive learning throughout this course.  It seems to be a great tool.  However, it does not seem to be widely utilized.  When there are certain boards and associations that regulate curriculum in our schools, we must conform to their standards.

I think that this model is a great way to teach students material.  When a student struggles through academic content, they tend to get left behind.  I know from personal experience.  When I was a child in school, I really struggled with arithmatic.  Math builds upon itself.  I was also very shy, so if I didn't understand something, I refused to inform the instructor.  This happened in my math classes.  Often time, an instructor would complete a chapter, and I still did not understand the content.  This only left me further behind when the new chapter began.  Using the tools… >>>

The tools that were discussed seem to be very efficient at pinpointing where students may be struggleing and redireting them toward a greater understanding of the content.


Unfortunately, the education system overemphasizes the importance of comparing one student to the next.  Grades have become more important than the student's education.  An instructor should foster a student's thirst for knowledge by taking a secondary role in that student's education.  Anyone can regergitate facts.

I have learned that there are various adaptive learning programs out there.  There are also low-risk alternatives that come im app formats. 

Adaptive learning is not a replacement for the instructor.  It is intended to compliment the instructor.  However, this brings into question where the role of instructor begins and ends.  In our school, we are already experimenting with an LMS.  Through its' use, I intend on trying to make learning a more individualized experience.

I have learned that there are various ways that are available that may help instruct my students.  Adaptive learning is a way to personalize the educational experience to students with varying comprehension levels.  The use of an intelligent tutor is a great way to monitor these levels.  However, the course has yet to give any examples of adaptive learning tools that are available.

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