Travis Hawkley

Travis Hawkley

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I teach the beginning course at my school for most of our programs. It is basically a student success course, coupled with a professional development aspect as we are a career college. One of the topics we discuss at length is the idea of the comfort zone. We typically define the comfort zone as the familiar, the situation where you feel calm with no anxiety. While listening about security, this idea kept popping in my head. I tell my students that in order for them to become better and achieve their goals, they must get out of their comfort zones… >>>

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I have been noticing many new teachers that come into teaching and for a long time they blame their mistakes on the fact that they are new. This bothers me. I agree with many that have said we are only human and like any other are prone to make mistakes. However, we should be more accountable for those mistakes and simply move on. Help students to know they can count on you, but they can also rely on you to be a real person, accountable for what you do. Have confidence in your abilities. Students do not like when teachers… >>>

I have been having an interesting dilemna recently. I teach the beginning course for many of the medical programs at a career college. Many of my past students have been returning to me asking for help with their teachers or their coursework, which I am not trained to teach. I have been simply advising them to make sure they consult their teacher. Another problem is they become so exaperated with everything that they enter my class at any time, including when I am in the process of teaching my current class. Typically I invite them in to talk about how… >>>

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