Tracy McArthur

Tracy McArthur

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I enjoyed this lesson

I learned the 4 types of classroom managment.

All ways be ready for visits no matter what


This is a great topic and I practice this everyday.

Technology and innovation is the times we are in today, and we as instructors should always iincorperate this form of learning  in all classrooms.


What I learned is how to really pay attention to the group and learn how to make correction properly without pointing the finger


So far I have learned how to apply critical thinking to classroom learning. 


With knowledge comes wisdom, so have gained wisdom going through is course. The best practices is continuesly study this information so you can be the best Director and great for your student.  Our action plan is to have the imformation readly availble, that means to have hard copies in a binder so you can refer it.  Our successes is that we are opening soon, and our chanlleges are how are we going to handle all the students that were going to have when we open. Forward thinking....

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