Thomas Oxendine

Thomas Oxendine

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Managing a MLS is very important and key to it being effective. Students must feel that they are not alone, they can get asnswers to their questions qucikly, and they need to know that their ideas and their thoughts are important and procted.

I plan you use this infromation in my online classes. I have learned startegies that will help online students become more active in my classes.

The elements of projecting your presences, projecting your authority and establishing relationships with your students.The element help ensure the students has a well rounded online learning experience.

Online course have a lot of similarities as classroom teaching. They both required structure to deliver the content. Proper structure is a key element to content delivery and understanding. There must be a detailed plan that will ensure targeted delivery of the content and a evaluation system that will help determine if students are gaining a complete understanding of the content and subject matter.

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