Tom Baer

Tom Baer

Location: carlisle, pa

About me

Retired professional programmer/analyst/consultant. Worked for various companies such as Pitney Bowes and IBM. Now teaching basic computer courses and computer applications courses at McCann




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One key to success I found in my career is managing expectations. Don't ever promise more than you can deliver, and be very clear on what those deliverables are.
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I use homework as motivator for students to study by allowing them multiple chances to improve their homework score with repeated attempts. To get the maximum score, the first attempt must be turned in by the due date; points are lost from the maximum for each day that first submission is late. Using on-line tools gives the assignment an "entertainment" aspect, like a trivia game, as they try to beat their best score. The repetiton enhances their familiarity with the material. Because of this, I find it counterproductive to let lateness drive a possible score down to zero - they… >>>

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I like your comment about competition being a part of human nature. I use a variety of games in the classroom, and it's during those games where I see the most involvement among the students.

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