Tracey Bates long

Tracey Bates long

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The attention span of most individuals is in the 15-18 minute range.
We generally only remember about 25% of what we hear.
We normally only retain 40% of what we read.
We can listen 4 times faster than we can speak.


Got it! Good stuff!

Great ideas for a successful first day in class including ice breakers and outlining the course expectations, format and how they can succeed. 


I love the idea of the instructor arriving early to class to engage with students, review names and create an atmosphere ready for learning that the students are already engaged in. 


Students will feel your enthusiasm for your topic, or not, and that can help them become engaged and excited to learn. 


This module provided good information about the different characteristics of students who may have difficulties in online discussion forums and strategies on how to help them succeed. 


This was a good discussion about asynchronous and synchronous strategies for success. 


An effective teacher can begin each course establishing authority with a biography and being engaging with the students. 


The most successful online elearning enviroment begins with a good CMS/LMS and active learning. 


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