Tara Khosrowabadi

Tara Khosrowabadi

About me


Feedback and evaluation of both parties involved are crucial.  It will serve to bettering the programs, quality education, quality future employee.


So valuable.  this is very true.  As clinical instructor, I do all of these without knowing it.  


If you have not documented, you did not do it.  


very useful at the clinical sites



Limkimg lecture with hands on, will give students the tool to succeed.


A well rounded instructor can use flipped method with traditional for best outcome.

Fliipped classroom is a new idea to me.  somewhat laborious, needs a lot of prep.  but it is a good idea.  Every time students are in charge of learning they learn deeper and the ownership is rewarding and self satisfying.  One barrier is how to grade students.  if based on their own pace, what time tables should be utilized if any?  Cohorts can no longer exist since students are at different pace.  Thanks.

time and time and again, I have had students with atitudes, not wanting to be there, feeling entitled to be mad at the world, and not wanting to take resposibility.  By practicing my soft skills,  they start to modify their behavior and treat people appropriately, and even look forward to being in my class.  Then, teaching hard skills becomes a breeze.   

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