Timothy Dowell

Timothy Dowell

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How we respond to a student's wrong answer is crucial, not only to that student's success, but to the success of the other students who are afraid to answer. We must create a positive atmosphere that focuses on response rather than whether or not a student got the question write or wrong.
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I teach an electrical design class in which students must be familiar with residential electrical codes in order to be successful in the class. On the first day of class, I give a codes test (not for a grade) which gives me knowledge of the level of each student. This elliminates wasted time by only reviewing what is needed.
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In one of my classes, I have each student create their own final exam (with answers)derived from the key objectives from each chapter covered. This is a great way for them to reflect on and review what they have learned. I create the final exam using random questions from all the students mock tests.
If I tell a student his/her answer is incorrect, I usually follow with “…but, I do admire your enthusiasm!”
To create a non-threatening environment, I have placed all the tables and chairs in my classroom in a horseshoe configuration. As I walk around in the middle of them, everyone is equally envolved and I like to think I have their undevided attention.
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I love the idea of having the students write down a summary of what they have learned at the midpoint of the class term. This will give me a sense of accomplishment and direction going into the second half of the term. This will also give the students a chance to reflect on what they have actually learned.

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