Michael Tillman

Michael Tillman

About me


Workload Managment Stategies (WLMS) are different for the LMS for the type class. Storage of information needs to be organized to make sure technology, curriculum, and discussion are fluid between Students and Instructors (S2S), (I2S), and (S2I). Online Instructors need to keep control over Structure, Processing, and Delivering information. As time and experiences increase in the Online formats information can be stored and reused making time managmenet better for both Students and Instructor.

Successful Online Learning Techniquies start with Goal Setting. Areas for goals can be family , finanical, career, education , physical, phsycological, service, and others. Online learning and successful planning from both Instrucor and Student are based from infromation, skills, and knowledge and through good planning and organization learning experiences are increased and improved. The biggest pitfall in Online learning is procrastination and throuh good Time Managment schedules learning quality experiences for both Instructor and Student are improved. 

In your Learning Management System LMS focus on Student not Teacher with Balance between presentation and content. Content needs to be accessable to all students. Personalize your Online community to fit your teaching style and be aware that is Dyanmic and continuially changing and developing. Feedback from students good or bad can help in adjusting your content delivery.

As and Online Instructor Communication needs to be Clear, Professional, and Appropriate (CPA) to the students, student to student, and student to teacher. This forms a Community of Practice (COP) that engages everyone in the Online Classroom process. Reading and Writing are very important for students to know that their learning is up to them and by establishing strong Academic Honesty Policy (AHP) gives students the tools needed with helping everyone to be successful in Online learning.

Interaction in post and discussion as it relates to the course are reflective to the student and help guide them through the course. Be concise with bites of information giving realistic timelines and set goals. This helps Online students succeed meeting course objectives.

Assessment in traditional sense is content specific and does not truly assess what a student may have learned. Assessment in the Holitic sense allows for reflections of different interpretation of the same content depending on application and understanding, not easy but a good way to help students is to review the test after completion.

Maximizing Student Output in a course is dynamic and often relies on setting outcome forward at the beginning a class and working backwards. Student who know the expected outcome perform towards the outcome better.

Student inclusion is important and Multiple Mobile Communications (MMC's) place more interaction points into the subjects and make learning more continuous. Students have more access to information than found in traditional orders of curriculum. Instructors need to learn and grow with students.

Dynamic Communication and the Online Classroom keep Student and Insrtructor engaged in learning. Students have the opportunities to explore both Instructor and other student thoughts plus researching the materials through content links from the Classroom. Learning then becomes more interactive and the overall learning is usually increased with the use of tehcnology. As Students learn the process they become more engaged in their own learning.


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