Teresa Cassell

Teresa Cassell

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I agree and this is an incredible challenge for online CTE learning!


I learned it is imperative to keep good communication and monitor the progress for each student.  I also learned the importance of maintaining good records of all communication and interactions.

I intend to find creative ways to incorporate more asynchronous discussions in my classes.  I will continue providing feedback and will allow more discussion at the beginning of my online meetings. 

I learned about how to keep students more engaged in an online setting by sharing by biodata and knowledge of theirs as well.  The student needs to know my qualifications as well as hobbies so they know who I am.  I know when I have completed online courses, I wanted to know who my instructor was and not feel like I was only talking to an electronic hole.

It is important to begin with an online formatted syllabus and plan to complete the modules within it.  Structure is the key to keeping the learning moving forward.  The students must know that their teacher is available for support and having specific times for this is also key to communication with the students.

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