Thomas Egan

Thomas Egan

About me


Agreed.  This course is a great reminder that not only do students learn differently than one another, educators need to reach them in different ways.  That includes how we assess them.  It's not enough to just vary our teaching methods, but our assessment methods as well.    ...Thought provolking class.   


I always go into these "professional sessions" with a bit of doubt  that I will walk away with anything truly useful.  Often, you have to sit for a while and sift through hours of good intentions before you find something of value that you can use.  And while that sounds negative in nature, it's generally acurate.  (And that's not to say that I know everything - I don't!)  Rather, it's an inditement on how many poorly constructed tutorials there are out there.   ....HOWEVER, I truly found this course to be helpful.  Much of the material I have aquired prior… >>>

I found this course to be informative.  And while I consider myself "open minded", I have to admit I didn't come into this course with much expectation.  It was, therefore, a pleasant suprise to find a few tid-bits that I will be taking away from it.  I plan on using a few things I learned moving forward. 

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