Linda Cordova

Linda Cordova

About me


You can have them do internet searches on topics in class as a group and then share with the rest of the class their findings. Also, one of our test books has an interactive review at the end of each chapter. I also create kahoot games that they can play as a class on their ipads.

I have been using kahoot games in my class and the students love it. I use it mostly for review, but the new Jumble game is good for interactive learning. I don't want them to get bored though. Are there any other game sites you have used that work well?

Discussion Comment

I agree that this course is giong to be helpful with working with students with disabilities and ELL. I feel that I have more understanding of the different types of learning disabilities. Knowing what exactly they have trouble with will help me find new ways of reaching them and explaining topices better.

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