Dennis Dougherty

Dennis DoughertyCHEP

About me


Over the years of being an instructor, I have been molded into the guide. In the beginning I was not.

By empowering the students to take ownership, they become more vested in their learning experience and have a tendency to succeed at a higher rate.

Discussion Comment

I have had a couple of experiences with cohort groups. The first was an experience where I had not truly learned class control yet. That particular group was very hard to keep in line and was a big distraction for the rest of the class. Since that point I have learned to find who the cohort groups were and use them to my advantage. For example if I were teaching transmissions, I would first find out who that students were that had been to another trans. class or had field experience. I would then separate that group and make lab… >>>

Being Buddies with your students can raise favoritism opinions and make other students feel, left out. This makes it very important to treat them all equally, while at the same time making an effort to simulate a "real shop" feel to you lab especially. I feel that it is ok to show empathy for certain situations they may encounter, but do not extend a courtesy to one student that you would not extend for others, if they earned it. While in shop as many facets of shop experience should be woven into the shop lesson.

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