Tara Donald Walls

Tara Donald Walls

About me

I am a  professional  academic who is organized, high-energy, detail-oriented and conscientious, professional self-starter, able to analyze, strategize and prioritize effectively to accomplish multiple tasks while remaining calm under pressure. An articulate communicator, highly skilled in quickly engaging team members and audiences, establishing rapport and developing strong relationships.
My specialties Include:Leadership Development, Mediation and Facilitation, Performance Management, Labor Relations, Managing Change, Quality Enhancement and Conflict Resolution.
I am a true Southerner holding degrees in Organizational Leadership, Ed.D; Private Sector Management, M.P.P.M. and Home Economics, B.S.
I am an avid gardener and I am devoted to my family.


leadership and od; gardening


leadership development, change management, team building, training and development, mediation


@chstormy19 all people should be treated with consideration and respect.  When working with those with a visable challenge one must allow the customer to self identify and state needs.  Do not make assumptions about how to serve anyone.

How much time is spent researching topics for interaction during dicussion threads?  

How much time is spent researching topics for interaction during dicussion threads?  

Consider all options when selecting a school.

Less than 20 doctorates

Less than 50 masters

More than 10% bachelors but less than 50 masters and 20 doctorates

Does not include speciality schools like law, medical, theology and business


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