Thedora Brooks

Thedora Brooks

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You should always listen to an angry student.  Sometimes they just need to vent about something.  If the student is disrupting the class, you will need to itervene so that they do not keep other students in the class from learning.

I have had my share of Center Stage students and Apple Polishing students.  This lesson focus on some valuable points that I will uitlize when teaching my class.  For example the importance of being fair to all students and to make sure you are engaing the class as a whole.  I like the idea of appointing the Center Stage students as an Observer.

It is important to have an ice breaker.  I have one that I use to get to know my students better.  Also, it is important to have group activities and team projects.  This helps students get to know each other and learn how to work together as a team.

I learned that even your students are adults, they enjoy doing childish things and you can incorporate some of these into your class.

Using real life experiences is key.  Most people can relate to real life experiences.

When doing a demonstration, allow students to practice right away.  Make sure that all students are able to see your demonstration.

To greet students as they enter your classroom, give an introduction and share small tibits about yourself, and give students an opportunity to introduce themselves and meet each other.

Being prepared by making sure you have all the supplies and equipment available and having a note pad available to jot down things that are important.  

I learned to be yourself and not to show how smart you really are.

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