Laurna Taylor

Laurna TaylorCHEP

About me


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I have found that using tools like polleverywhere and survey monkey have increased student participation in the classroom. I am interested to know more abotu what others are using to increase engagement through the use of technology.
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I find it critically important to regularly pause to assess the classroom dynamic throughout the course of the day. With five hour classes it is easy to get wrapped up in the material and leave the students (and their attention) behind. Checking what they have retained so far, what they have found most interesting, and observing their engagement levels helps me to move forward or adjust more effectively through the lesson plans.
I feel fortunate that I am able to teach material in class that I really enjoy and am enthusiastic about. I think that it can be easy to forget how important it is to give students some highlights of what will be covered to get their minds going and get them excited about the topics to come. Enthnusiasm is contagious and sharing your enthusiasm with the students can help them retain the information by keeping them engaged in the subject matter.

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