Sharon Wrease

Sharon Wrease

About me

Hello I am an elementary teacher at Waldo Pafford Elementary School in Hinesville, Georgia.  I have been teaching for 21 yeears. I look foward to learning how to teach online effectively..


An online course is a process of teaching that changes quite often. Instructors have to be flexible and understand that they are continually learning from the assessments whether formative or sumative. Information should be used to better the course for both the instructor and the student.


Communication and feed back are an important part of an online course. The student needs to feel noticed and cared for. Communtication patterns should be establised and used by both the instructor and student.


Learning stratiegies to help prevent teacher burn out is very important. Life is stressful by itself, there for time management is key for online instructos. Be efficient with time and expectations for both students and instructor.


Workload management is very important for the student and the instructor. There are several components that must be thought about inorder to properly expidit instruction. The instructor must be able to analyze, communicate, collaborate and cooperate with team members and manage time. 


Taking online courses take skill and dedication. It is important that students have organization and time management. There are several principles needed to help with being successful in an online course. Pitfalls can be avoided and all types of students need to plan. Planning helps to avoid pitfalls. 


I learned about the different tools to do asynchronous communication tools. It will take some time for me to learn the different tools and how they best suite the course.

Things should be clear professional and appropriate at all times. It is important to know different techniques to help students

Community of Practice is a great to encourage students to communicate. It is important to communicate clearly to all students and motivate them to communicate with you and other students appropriately.


It is important to understand that time is important. It is essential to recognize if students have disabilities that may need assistance to help a student of any level be successful.


I have learned that measuring good communication must be understood. It is important for communication to be easy and effective. Rubrics can be used to help be consistent and fair to all students.


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