Sandy Lane

Sandy Lane

About me

I am a MA Program Director at Concorde Career College in Memphis, TN


Culture to me is when a group of people have the same values and ideas.


I have learned the do's and dont's when recruiting future students. 


Discussion Comment

I have worked at a school that was closed down after it was not compliant and followed regulatory standards. I believe some situatons works with you on your ethical believes becuase it is diificult to work for an insttution when you see there are some issues within the organization. 


I have learned I am definitly a Leader. I ensure the task given is carried out and followed through. 


I have learned there is a process to giving feedback.


In this course I have learned the various levels of coaching in leadership and knowing what technique to use when is crucial to the success of a coahee. 



Do you always stay in compliance when it's difficult to?

My role is to ensure I get the the student to the compliance coordinator at out Campus if a student states they have a disability


Thus far in this couse I have learned the imporance of not misrepresenting the campus. Whenever speaking to a prospective student you have to chose your worde wisley or it can lead to major issues down the line. I will definitly be mindful of what I sa to a student. 

From this course I have learned that any successful team has to have a leader that leads and knows how to handle conflict when it arises. I am taking away from this course setting task and goals for my team so they will be more successful.

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