steve martin

steve martin

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Assisting students is not as easy as one think it is, but on the contrary it can be a learning experience and fun. I love helping students in particular, for one reason, it is part of my job, and thats who I am. Helping students is a rewarding activity. Assisting students in realizing there potentials and dreams is highly appreciated by students. In some cases some students somtimes need a little spark, when they are confronted with a math problem, computer problem or any problem for that matter. If you take the time to embrace that students and give the… >>>

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It is good to be organized. Before I became a instructor. I was disorganized everything was out out order/out of place what ever you want to call it. The point is that, when you are disorganized you may find that life can become l stressful in not having a handle on things your life. I lot of times, we tend to get frustrated when we cannot find somethings or we dont remember where we put somethings, we get a rush. That rush tends to lead to a state of anger and stress. Keeping things in order is a way of… >>>

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Everyone of us procrastinate one time or another, but some of us take it to an extreme. I have seen where students procrastinate to that point of where they think that, whatever it is that they need to do will just take care of itself. What would you say to some of those people? I would tell them that it not a good habit to put off whhat you can today and do it tomorrow, because sometime you can create more problems that way.

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