Scott Sherman

Scott Sherman

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I liked the idea of LinkedIn endorsements. I've not considered teaching students that particular feature but I will now. I also liked the tips on obtaining letters of recommendation. 


I learned that resume writing has changed greatly since I wrote mine. I hope that I can convey all of the new information accuratley. 

I am able to support students through my previous understanding of resume building but I have gained a better understanding of the information presented. I think I'll be able to convey the information more accurately.  


Again, I think this should be taught to high school students so it is great that we have this content. I envision lots of solid discussions with students on these topics. 


This module should be taught to every student. It really supports the mission of educating students about their online presence. 


I feel old! Key word utilization, Boolean searches, KPIs, and inbound marketing are all new to me! This section opened my eyes to a lot of new things!


A social media presence can help or hurt you depending on how you craft your exposure. I also learned about the idea of looking at skill abilities and not resumes. 


I was absolutley unaware of the five keys as a guide. I also didn't know that alienating coworkers was the biggest reason people lose their jobs. I was very shocked by that. I would have thought it was being late or something similar to that.


I think it is critical that we teach students how to dress for a job interview. I hear it all the time: you dress for success. Our kids don't understand that and we need to teach them.


I think the tips on references are very important. It means quite a bit to have the correct people listed. Students need to understand that those references are important.


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