Shobha Sharma

Shobha Sharma

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Keep students focussed to the learning objectives. and know the student's reasons behind career commitment.


The student retention methods include motivational enviroment in the educational hours ogf instruction. The instructor should know the student and the student's background to facilitate supportive resources, aids to empower self help. Inspire safe environment to ask questions, and assure the student understands, and knows how to use resources, The instructor should model the professional behavior. The students need to trust the instructors professionally, and progress in their career goals.


This course ED102 is amazing information that aligns the instructor focus to impart impartial knowledge to students.

Sharing of knowledge is irrespective of age, culture and ethnicity.

The students carry their frustrations that should not sway from the main course objectives and positive professional facilitation. As Instructor, it is best to facilitate teaching and education versus baby sitting with the baggage of frustrations.


Incorporate in planning the course olecture - and cover Multi ways of learning styles


Get to know the students, connect with them and have a baseline


Planning facilitates preparation and sharing knowledge that is required


Adult Student learning first, empower and motivate them mutualistic meaningful kexperience, empower self with current new innovative knowlege and share the meaningful literature, hat is relevant


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