Mark Saenger

Mark Saenger

About me


If you are an instructor of the imaging fields like ultrasound please comment on some "Lab" activities that work  in this type of teaching environment.

I work with adults so stickers and candy just would not work for me. So I ask the forum, how do you work with these type of adults ?
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This course like all of them not sure what to expect but then the material is so well written, relevant & useful. Motivation can be a challenge any day of the week, but I too use more one on one time with students to review their progress and try to make them more aware of their self perception.



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In my opnion motivating students can be a challange and is an art. I have been teaching 16 years and in every class you all know the student's  I'm talking about the one or two  that your not sure why they are paying good money to be there. That's the ones we have to take the time to work with to understand why they are acting in that manor. Then the learning can start !

Good luck and remember security, autonomy, intrinsic & extrinsic...........Fun is a a great way of motivating students !!


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This is a great tool as I too do the same thing with a litttle twist depending what I need to do for that day.

It's nice to see others doing the same thing as you and it works !!



OK first let me start out when I first started to teach I used a lot of these techniques and many thought I was a little crazy.

What they did not know that I was putting out students who were doing Great !!

I love this course and the idea of having  "Fun" and being educational at the same time.

If you have not tried to play games or be more interactive with your class do so and see the students just light up with enthusiasm. They will also do better on quizzes and retention.


I would like to make a comment on course 113.

I think all teachers should do this course, it's not only interesting but this is very useful information. It will make you a better  teacher.

I've been teaching over 15 years and I still picked up some great tips and ideas.

What a great question.

I stand 97% of the time I'm on platform.

 I love to walk around the class and just give off as much positive  energy as I can. I do sit or stand more behind the podium when I'm reviewing for tests or have something I need to discuss that might be school related.

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Motivation in my opinion is one of the most important factors in the learning process.

It's what makes students hungry for knowledge and willingness to learn.

 I feel instructor should use "fun" ways to deliver their lessons plans. This allows students to be happy, stay awake  and makes the students look forward to your next class. The students in turn become motivated to learn.

I like to give exams that include essay,  matching ,fill in the blanks, Multiple choice, true & false when false put correct answer.

Remember that all students do not take tests equally and the same student might get 95 on one type and 88 on another even if same material was asked.

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