Suzanne Nantais

Suzanne Nantais

About me


Another way to create a word search is to list a prefix, suffix and/or combining form on the bottom of the word search puzzle with a blank line next to each one. The student would need to define each of the prefixes, suffixes and/or combining forms and the definition is the word listed in the puzzle. Many students just look for common words in the puzzle and then match the word to the correct prefix, suffix and/or combining form.
Most students like to write on white boards. Using small (inexpensive) white boards, the instructor can ask questions pertaining to the topic and ask the students to write on their white board. A score can be kept if the class is competitive.
Rather than give a pretest to students in a course where new students may be entering, I usually ask each new student to introduce themselves and whether they have any medical background. This way I have a better understanding of each student's background and can read their facial expressions as to their understanding of the subject matter in most cases. After I assign the in-class activity, I always ask each student (new and seasoned) 'what questions do you have?' as some students may not want to ask questions during the lecture.
While going over the homework scenarios, I select students to read the scenario and ask specific information directed to that student. It never fails that one of my 'seasoned' students will always say the answer out loud. I have specifically used the reader's name when asking the questions which sometimes works. I feel if I speak to my 'seasoned' student on the side, she may think I am discriminating as she is an older student from another country.

There are times when I have distributed a learning activity when they return from break/lunch based on our discussion prior to going on break/lunch. I give them a specific time frame (10-15 minutes depending on the length) to complete the activity for some possible extra credit points depending on the difficulty of the activity. Those students who do not come back from break/lunch on time also can participate in the activity, however, they have lost minutes because they were not back from break on time. I have found since beginning this, the students tend to come back from break or… >>>

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