Stephanie Gillespie

Stephanie Gillespie

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Refresher of Blooms was beneficial, CAT knowledge checks are quick and valuable

Attention given to a well-crafted question will hopefully yield an accurate assesment on what the student understands, or direct the discussion or topic.  Point is don't overlook the power in thoughtful and pursposeful questioning, it's an important tool that can be easily underutilized

Employing teaching methods that reach all learning styles offers an way to reach most learners and enhance mastery by presenting new information in a multisensory approach


Make sure to design lessonplans that speak to each learning style, keep lectures brief, allow time for questions.  I really like the notecard technique

Taking a moment to greet each student and learn their names tends to net a greater sense of connectivity and mutual respect that enhances the learning environment.

I like the idea of getting there a half hour early, particularly with my target audience.  I will only have a week with them.  Great way to make opportunity for relationship, questions, networking, etc

My greatest takeaway, "Learning is the most important thing that happens in the classroom-- not teaching."

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