Sarah Kiepper

Sarah Kiepper

About me


We are working on our renewal right now and this information was really helpful for an overall review as well as new information.

I really like the questions offered in the presentation, especially: "How can I help you find a future?" and "Where do you find yourself in two years?"
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I appreciated the advice the presentation offered when handling a situation where the potential student did not show up. Rather than ask them if they still want to come in, simply ask them when they can reschedule. Thanks!
I have found that it's not easy becoming familiar with EVERYTHING right away that is associated with our school, but as time moves on (and I have been pacing myself) and I attend as many meetings (staff, faculty, department, all-school, orientations, program advisory, off-site workshops and trainings) as possible and familiarize myself with our regulatory and accrediting bodies, as well as our employers and other outside entities, it's becoming easier for me. A helpful support staff and wonderful co-workers has helped immensely too. Does anyone have any other ideas on how I can become more acclimated into my new position/school?
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My school doesn't currently use social networking as an advertising or recruiting tool. I'm excited to help implement social networking into our usual practices. I think Career Services could benefit from ie. FB by "keeping up" with our alumni, and that Student Services could keep better contact with our current students as well. I think social networking will benefit our student body (both present and past students) as an alternate means of connecting with our school and administration.
In my previous experience (working with Admissions from other departments: Education and Student Services), I know that the EA MUST be completed perfectly, or the student's start can be inhibited. The EA is key to the student's paperwork and admission becoming a reality. If the EA is not completed properly, signed, etc., then the rest of the admissions process for the student is halted, and sometimes even their start date has to be set back.

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