Stacy Slabaugh

Stacy Slabaugh

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One thing I liked about the course is it that it included the good traits of two other styles of management in addition to the preferred style.

Blog Comment

I was able to see the questions I missed along with the correct answers.

As instructors we are often asked questions outside our general scope of responsibility.  This coursework demonstrates the importance of knowing what regulations affect the institution as a whole and highlights the importance of referring students to the appropriate department for assistance.

I was a little thrown-back by the notion that on-line classes and classes in schools attracting out-of-state students have to be regulated by more than one state. This seems excessive and overly bureaucratic to me. Do the same rules apply to tradition universities? How do students benefit from this?

RT102 really makes it clear that there is a strong human factor in student retention.

ED 102 helps keep me as an instructor reminded of my responsibilities toward my students instead of getting lost on the students' responsibilities to my class.

This course helped me evaluate my teaching methods.  I will consider including lecture outlines next semester.

I generally have small classes where it's easy to get to know the students fairly well. I can generally tell when a student is having issues with something and address it before it escalates. I am expecting to have a larger class next semester, however, and I'm wondering how I manage to maintain that same intuitive type of relationship with the students in a larger class environment.

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