william sipes

william sipes

Location: virginia beach virginia

About me

General Moters Master Tech, I tecah at an Automotive school, advanced diagnostics, have worked in the field for 25 years, and I am still working in the field today. I love the diagnostic part of my job. I also found that i do love to teach!


advanced engine performance diagnostics, camping, boating, snow boarding, fishing, art, music, hiking, kayaking


certified ase master tech from ase, gm master tech, hendricks master tech, state inspector, diesel performance tech


I liked the idea of showing excitement for your class, keeping eye contact with students and acknowledging your students while they are speaking shows respect and that you care. I also learned to to pay attention to body language. I will use these techniques in motivating my students.

Love your class and it will grow, I am a true believer of this statement. If you are teaching a class that you really enjoy the excitement will show, the time will fly by, the students are more likely make spread the word that "you have to take this class" other students will feel more at ease with talking to you even if you haven't had them in your class yet. So like planting a tree, you must take care when planting it to ensure a solid foundation, check up on it daily, and give plenty of attention.

By loving… >>>

What should a teacher be expected to do?  k-12  are they responsable for the the childs home work getting done? making sure they are fed, cleaned, proper supplies, dressed? well being of the child? Please comment on the expectation that are set in your schools. Do the pay anymore money for the extra work performed?

yes you hit on "making someone interested" even if they are not, is like feeding someone that is not hungry. All  you can do is put out the information and only when it effects them will they concider learning. My field is different, i tech in the automitive setting and with learning comes hands on application. If you dont learn in the class it will show up in the hands on part of the exercise. only when the student can not get it to work (programing commands) how to build something, scuba diving. will they really want to learn.


Yes I agree, pictures are a great way to change your mood/relax. Easy listining music, deep slow breathing, also helps me. If you had  a stessful day i found simply by talking to another person about your day can help you to relax, by letting you go through the motions of the day you are releasing those action and are no longer tied to them.

I  have found many items listed in this first class to be helpful in my everyday teching. I did not know the attention of a student to only be around 15-18 minutes. and to keep learing sessions to shorter lengths of time.

i will take that with me, and also practice your hands on demonstrations before class is a must. that way if you run in to issues before the actual demonstration you will be better prepared and you will look more professional.

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