Sonya Hullaby

Sonya Hullaby

About me


One of the techniques that I have used in the past to engage the shy student is to ask them questions that or more opinion based. I will first ask a student that is very opinionated a question and then ask the shy student what they thought about the answer from the other student. Usually what ends up happening is they will say something that I can pull out of their answer to ask them to expand a little more on.
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I find that when students are getting ready to go out on their externship, they are fear they do not know enough to be successful or that they have forgotten the material. The way that I have dealt with that in the past is to assign case studies to the students during the last week and have them to come up with ideas to solve the problem. Student find out they have a lot more information stored in their memories than they thought. They also find out they are able to use resources to get information if they have forgotten.… >>>

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