Sharyn Pulley

Sharyn Pulley

About me


One of  my  favorite "projects" is in  my Pathology class.  It always falls around Halloween and I allow my students to choose a pathological condition  to do an oral presentation on, but the representation muct be a food item, after which we all get to EAT....  love those sebaceous cysts cream cheese danishes. I don't assign the "condition" or the food item. It is the most popular assignment in  the massage program at the college I teach and after taking this  course I believe the autonomy of the assignment enhances it's success.

One fun activity that I like to do, is have my students use prefixes, roots, and suffixes to create their own "ingenious" pathologies and afflictions. They then write them on the board and the class has to define the affliction. The one with the most right wins. Some of the "conditions" they come up with are absolutely hilarious.... but it helps them remember their terminologies.

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