Pete Gomez

Pete Gomez

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I have found that when there is a spread in the age of the
students it allows for varying opinions on different topics that come up in
class. Some things are done differently now than they were done 10, 12, or 15
years ago. Some things are not even done anymore and some things never were
done in the past. The difference in age can add to this discussion and involve
the entire class.

I am a retired Sergeant First Class Army medic with over 20 years and many combat as well as non-combat deployments. As a NCO my main job was to teach mentor and develop Soldiers assigned under me. I have had various classes and training as to different ways of doing this and have even developed some of my own. The bottom line is that no matter what the delivery, classroom, environment, or education level of students the most important thing is to know what you are teaching.


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