Scott Humphrey

Scott HumphreyCHEP

About me


Todays learners must have a desire to push themselves to engage in further training,computer skills,self-management,and ethics to become the BEST they can possibly be!
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I have been wrestling with the definition of an "adult learner" for quite some time. Our students seem to be more like immature learners. The students are the customer, and they deserve the best, quality education we can give them.
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Adult learners at our school have a hard time getting back into the groove of the formal school setting. They get easily frustrated when they see young students grasping concepts and doing well on tests. I often calm them down, and encourage them not to be too hard on themselves. It takes time to get back into the learning groove.
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I am amazed at how well students respond to positive appreciation, like "great Job John" or "Thank-You for helping me with that project." Our students are craving positive feedback! Let's offer it to them.
Students will benifit greatly when instructors use more open-ended questions, redirection questions,probing questions, and offer them praise as deserved.
At our school students with disabilities have been very successful. We treat them with respect, provide the necessary modifications, and provide lots of support.
The information regarding time management is so relevant today. Moving around the room, spending no more than 20 sec. per student helps you meet student needs, and lets students know your attention to them is important. Scott Humphrey
I applaud the information I learned about moving through the room because I strive to do that myself, and know it works. The students must follow you by moving heads/eyes so it keeps them engaged, training aids can be pointed to, and people especially in the back of the room will not attempt to fall asleep or act up. Scott Humphrey
I try to make the learning environment stress free. All work by students gets done, but we listen to the radio, and enjoy our work. Sharing humerous stories I have seen in the industry help keep lectures interesting. Scott H.
Helping our students stay in school, and motivated is every staff member's responsibility. Retention affects finances,employee/student morale, and the overall reputation of the school. Scott Humphrey.

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