Sarah Diana Senatin

Sarah Diana Senatin

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The combination of synchrous and asynchronous discussions is a great idea . It can be blended and make the learning process interesting and enjoyable.


The content of online courses should be very informative and includes variety of media so that the learning process of students is directed positively towards the objectives of the course


This module is very helpful and up to date. Some of the important subjects discussed here can be applied in an institution as part of mentoring employees as well. 


I have learned in this module the difference between synchronous and asynchrounous discussions. The methods on how to apply feedback is very important in the learning process.I believe that is also both a science and art if practiced smoothly


It is in the nature of teaching that the instructor will have to project his /her authority to the students in a respectable and impressive manner. The students are entittled to know your qualifications and experience as a professional.Thus, making it more effective to project your expertise from a distance. This is the first step in building rapport and establishing confidence in  a teacher-student relationship.


In the e-learning system,the instructors will be applying different approach in order for the effective learning of the students. In comprehending the course content the instructors  should be able to balance the information and techniques that needs to be applied in the course content for learning to be more effective.The manner of how the content will be delivered is as important as the content itself and is greatly affected by the technology and accessibility of the materials. Along the process, the instructor should be able to interpret the trail of responses to discussion questions,participate in chat sessions,respond to students input,manage… >>>

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