Reina Wiatt

Reina Wiatt

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Evaluating the students is important in order to prepare them for their future. As an instructor, when evaluating them, one should use the right methods so that they can demonstrate content mastery. I also like giving extra credit.  I find that many students do well in applied knowledge.

Changing activities, using different methods to teach concepts, and identifying students with inadequate backgrounds so that they can be helped instead of becoming frustrated and quitting school.


Having diverse tools in a classroom is important and breaks up the monotony of using only one medium.  PPT presentations should have large fonts and graphics to emphasize the ideas.


Seeing myself as my students do will aid me in my instruction techniques.


I used to expect perfection from myself but over time I have realized that I am human like everyone else.  The most important thing when making a mistake is 1) to acknowledge it, and 2) to learn from the mistake to avoid repeating it.


Some great ideas on Challenging Students and Center Stage students.  To avoid letting them dominate discussions. I call on several students to ensure everyone has an equal voice.  I have students who use their cell phones in class, doodle, or do work from other classes.  This is why in my Welcome message I list Housekeeping Rules.  That sets a clear expectation of behavior.


I provide my students with my bio, the syllabus, and general housekeeping rules in my welcome email.   The bio helps them learn something about me.  Icebreakers work very well when I speak before business groups and they are a very valuable tool in a classroom.  The students also need to know the answer to the WIIFM question.  They also need to be engaged and know that their opinions matter.  For example, in my Customer Service class, I encourage differing viewpoints because that's how we all learn from each other.

It's also important to set expectations and deadlines, and answer any… >>>

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