Russell Hampsey

Russell Hampsey

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Designing an online course that includes overt consideration of the four online course characteristics is a solid framework that will assist in delivery and learner knowledge retention.  The structural integrity of the course facilitates a coherent course that builds topics, into lessons, then modules.  Navigational Simplicity allows the learner to focus on content and not technical ability. Active learner-centered learning encourages multi-sensory learning and instructor engagements.  Finally, Intellectual Interaction encourages interaction of high-quality media strategies, and interaction between students and instructors leads to higher retention.  

Presenting the differnt types of testing related to the desired learning outcomes.  These give the instructor a myriad of options to help assess learning.

The ecosystem of delivery and assessment is coreliant on the instructor and student invlovement.  Instructors must develop delivery methods that enable the learner to obtain the knowledge and skills required to demonstrate the ability to complete their desired task.  Assessment techniques are an excdllent way to measure the effectiveness of the process.

Understanding the methods and purposes of questioning from the instructor and learner's point of view is very helpful.  The HBS videos reinforce the concepts of questioning and the how to.  Good overview of the Socratic Method, often discussed but rarely presented in understandable paralance.  Most of the time folks just believe it is repreating why? why? why?

The interesting part of the instruction was illuminating the tendency that instructors often project their own learning styles onto their learners.  Thinking back on previous "block of instruction" I have presented validated that fact for me.  I also liked the depth of the presentation of each of the learning styles and sensory modalities learners prefer.  I enjoyed the multi-media method which allowed me to read and hear the presentation simultaneously.  Overall a nice introduction to this module. 

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