Roselle Samson-Mojares

Roselle Samson-Mojares

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Being culturally competent means first knowing who I am: knowing my assumptions and beliefs; and my value which in turn allows me to value others in a manner that is equal or greater to my value.


empathy is being aware of the emotions of others

EQ = soft skills/people skills + workplace behavior

IQ = hard skills/technical

There are ways to improve EQ.

poor EQ have adverse consequences: mentally, physically, socially, professionally


people skills + workplace behaviors = soft skills + hard skills = personal success and professional effectiveness

15% technical skills + 85% people skills = success



Feedback must be ongoing, timely, objective, provided in a private environment, intended for growth and develpment of both the intern, the program, and the site.


The on-site and campus supervisors have specific and important roles that contribute to the success of the intern.

These two roles collaborate and openly communicate.

The on-site supervisor is similar to the clinical faculty at the hospitals.


There must be an open communication between the intern and the supervisor.

Reflection, record-keeping of experiences, and self-assessments are vital to a meaningful and successful internship.


Internship includes being immersed in the culture of the orgnaization.

Intership supervisors are instrumental in the students'/interns' success.


Internship benefits both students and employers.

Internship is practice for real life both professionally and personally.


The challenge to the teacher is to find a balance in the delivery of information that will engage and challenge all adult learners.


The 3 brain-based teaching theories mentioned basically point to us that there are different areas in the brain for different tasks and people are varied when it comes to which part of their brain appeal to their learning the most - bottom line - have a variety of teaching techniques.


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