Ronald Roman

Ronald Roman

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Discussion Comment

I think that sometimes students get bored with doing the same thing from class to class. I just took the ED117 course about teaching Gen Y. My experience it that this generation has gotten away from making things with their hands. Even though most are clumsey in doing  certain hand-related activities, most generally enjoy the diversion and experience of doing something with their digits instead of digitally.

In the module this question was asked, but I don't think the answer given was an answer at all. It only said that technology connects Yers to others. It said they want to have access and that not to have access is something they fear. BUT it never said WHY they fear that unless I missed something.
I have often asked students questions who were not paying attention, but I noticed that in this learning module, it discourages that. Are we coddling them too much? Don't want to embaraess them? I find that sometimes it really wakes them up.

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