Regina Rains

Regina Rains

Location: missouri valley, iowa

About me

A proud third-generation teacher and 16th year of teaching Family and Consumer Science. My passion is helping students discover the skills they have to make their life easier, foster, and/or improve their family relationships or find a passion that becomes a hobby or a career later in adulthood. Working with my Career and Technical Student Organization (FCCLA) completes my love of helping, working with students. It is through this lens do I get the opportunity to show students how to develop and hone in on their leadership skills and push them outside their box. 


nutrition, cooking, interior design/decorating, antiquing


There will be distractions and challenges in any e-learners journey. But as the instructor (as I would as a classroom teacher) I need to do everything I can to help with alienation, workload, assignment completion and technical issues. 



The difference between asynchronous and synchronous discussions, when to use them and not use them and some of the things that can inhibit them.  How to give feedback.


Like a regular classroom, I need to establish authority and connect with my students. Sharing my credentials but also some personal information with help the students connect with me. Then the students share similar information with me and each other. 


Reply to Rochelle Jerred's post: Excellent points Rochelle. How do we create a sense of security and comfort in a virtual world for our students, just as we have worked so hard to create in person?

It is crucial for the instructor to learn the CMS, have a full understanding of how post questions, discussions, assessments, etc. As an FCS teacher, it is key for me to use various ways to deliver different "hands-on" topics to my students. I must learn everything about the CMS, so my students have a high sense of comfort and security so they are convinced that someone will be there to support them and make their learning experience a successful one.


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