Rossano  Salvosa Almonia

Rossano Salvosa Almonia

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In an online course teaching approach, performing evaluations require careful thought on the part of the online teacher. This is possible with the help of multiple online tools and multiple stakeholders.

Feedback must be specific rather than generic. However, generic feedback can be more appropriate for assignments that are summative in nature. Specific feedback is proven to be effective and helps students identify areas needing improvement.

The course syllabus serves as a roadmap for the student to identify the course information such as a detailed outline and a summary of the course. It helps in identifying the sources of references used in the course including the background information about the professor.

Through the use of a course framework, as a professional academic instructor, I have the opportunity to carefully plan how to develop a course more effectively by ensuring the consistency of the module and achieving the desired outcomes or learning objectives.

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