Christopher Ross

Christopher Ross

About me


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It's imperative that every dorr that people in wheel chairs have automatic doors. I've been to a couple of schools in my past that did not and it was embarassing for them.
It's imperative that we are all aware of everything that needs to be done to accommodate their needs.
I think that it's very important to be sensitive to handicapped students. It doesn't matter what their case might be.
I think that this is great. It will cut down calling people that obvious;y don't want us to call.
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I think that Facebook is a great tool to acquire leads in the community. Especially for referrals!
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What could we as admissions representatives do better not to bash other schools? What we are allowed to say about other schools that will keep us out of trouble?
I belive its important to keep in mind that the student is a person just like us and are trying to better therselves just like we were at some point. Always remeber that, it's their hard earned money that is paying for their education. Chris Ross

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