Rochelle Jerred

Rochelle Jerred

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Set specific rules and requirements for the students. This can also include students writing and grammar in their discussions/posts and blogs. 


I learned that all students in your class will be at different levels of technology skills and that it is important to make sure that you understand some may need extra help. Remember some may need more instructions on how to attach items and it not just be a part of the course. 

I like how it discusses to have the students engage and answer each other questions on the discussion board first. Then the instructor can answer the question so that way it won't be on all of the work on the instructor. 


I learned that communicating via email within the 24 hours, but also it is okay to turn off the email notification so that you are not always required to respond back to emails to not feel constantly required to reply back. Set a time for checking email and stick to it so it doesn't take over the rest of your time. 

Changing an in person class to an online learning class takes time and understanding of the content/technology. It can not just transfer over and expect the students to be successful. 


Feedback is crucial as it shows areas of improvement and also as an educator, it helps you to better understand the student and their learning style. 

Both methods are good to use but some lessons are better live and able to give instant feedback. Also communicating with the students to see what is most successful is important to keep in mind as well. 

It is important to have good technology tools that the students can be able to use and be successful for you as well. Also it is important to give a trial run if possible before going and requiring the students to use on own. 


Multiple ways to assess and to get information to the students is a key component to this module. By allowing different methods, you allow various ways for students to be successful. 


This section helps to reiterate the importance of feedback and to also teach students how to use that feedback effectively. This also demonstrates the importance of communication between the students and the teacher. 


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