Rita Shertick

Rita Shertick

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Inquiring minds are life long learners, keep asking more questions, keep expanding knowledge. 

To apply OB theory, in the sim lab I create a delivery room and talk the students through each role. One student is the nurse midwife, one the circulating/delivery room nurse, another the nursery nurse, one is the mother's voice, another the coach. I stop the action and explain the rationales for each action. All students stop and count fetal heart rate, we review apgar score after the birth mannequin pushes out the plastic fetus etc. I have them see how all of the theory is applied directly in the delivery room.

Best choice seems stay where you are known, and find mentors in your company

It is always a good practice to be aware of how to best approach a supervisor.

The manager sets the tone for the dept. A manager with a strong work ethic shows by example how the employees are expected to also act.

I like Paul's comment, the different perspectives to approach the assignment.

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I have said "WE have gotten off track here. This is a good topic for another time, but we need to focus." Also with one student hassling another, "What you are saying is not appropriate.  "we need to look at it from both perspectives, you need to see the other point of view. Stop, lower your voice, be respectful." I have said so many things, it depends on the personalities of those involved.  Once I said "Who's in charge, what are their responsibilities?" " Who's at risk and how to proceed as safe as possible"

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Harvard did a study, the 4.0 grads only became middle managers. The ones who have excellent soft skills become the multi-millionaires. They know how to apply what they learned, and who to interact with on what level.

As an OB nurse I have always loved to teach students what I know, and have them appreciate my job.

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