James Bass

James Bass

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Most e-learners, before the current epidemic, were independent learners that did really well in the online learning environment, but now many learners have been forced into the e-learning environment which presents significant challenges. I've found that lately the predominant problem is with the procrastinators. I try to encourage to work ahead if possible.

I like to start off the discussion before any student has replied. Then when I reply to a student's post, I like to add questions for the student to respond to if applicable. This helps to keep the discussion going and to show that I am there for them and that their thoughts and responses add value to the discussion. After the week is over, then I like to summarize key components of the discussion topic.

First, I need to state my credentials and then introduce any hobbies and what not to relate to the students on a personal level. Here is an example of how I would do this:

Hello Class,

I am a computer programmer by trade, and have developed numerous computer programs ranging from simple web pages to a complete eco system for a doctor's office that covered every digital aspect of a doctor's private practice, but teaching is my real passion. There is nothing quite like the feeling I get when I see the light of recognition go off in the eyes… >>>

First of all, get to know your students via Zoom or some other face-to-face medium. Many students are new to the online learning environment and are very apprehensive and need to gain a sense of security. The first few meeting are your chance to invoke trust and leadership. They need to know that you will be there in a timely manner to answer their questions and they need to know if they run into any technical problems that either you or someone else can help them with their issues.

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