richard dyer

richard dyer

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I learned about the different types of learners I will encounter online and how to properly communicate with each of them. Making sure to keep the lines of communication open. 


We use Teams right now for cirtual teaching so we have a lot of synchrenous discussions becasue the entire class is on there at one time. If we were strictly on a LMS I would see the merrit of using discussion boards, however, we do our discussions face-to-face virtually.


In this section, I have learned how important it is to make a connections with my student, and how it is just as important for them to get to know me. I will definitely start incoorporating bios in my classes. 

Since going to a virtual environment instead of face-to-face, I will use this information to do a better job at providing my students the support they need not only for learning, but also the technical support. 


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