Ricardo Perez

Ricardo Perez

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Planning is huge.This topic covers ways of equipping students to maintain a schedule where personal life such as work and emergencies won't jeopardize school work deadlines. I am going to take this class as an example. This class indorm us that it takes about 4 hours to complete. Because I know th etype of student I am, I already know it make take up double that time. Therefore, I must plan accordingly.Working ahead of time will avoid procrastination :) 

We must keep in mind that social network and social media ae not the same. Social media is seen more as a communication channel, where as social networking, is the act of of actually engaging through social media. 

I learned that students may come with different reading, writing and technical abilities, therefore it is crucial to get to know your student needs and their abilities. 

Teaching good communication skills that involve honesty will demonstrate care on the part of the online facilitator. Most learners who need to sharpen on writing and reading skills will benefit from trying the various engaging ways online/technology learning can offer. 


As an online instructor it is important to review my existing online readiness and that of my students. I need to think about my specific course, technology and assignments and prepare for it, as this may help me identify the kind of online students I am teaching; including those with learning disabilities.


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