Rogeria Higgs

Rogeria Higgs

No additional information available.


Be accurate and transparent

Stick to the facts and be extremely knowledgeable about your subject

always provide full disclosure


The task of gathering and updating manuals, policies, and procedures is time consuming but vital to performing your job according to regulatory guidelines. A checklist can make the task easier.

Read the catalog, talk with personnel in the education department, sit in on classes, and talk to the placement department to learn where grads work.

Most schools have specific guidelines to follow when enrolling a student, creating a new student folder and knowing what to do w/ the folder when you have completed your part

It is highly important to complete the Enrollment Agreement with the proper signatures and to ensure the student and/or parents understand the requirements such as docs needed, tuition  fees and repayment. Also to be clear on who will explain financial aid options.


Hello: I have learned the purpose of the training, correct terminology and to use a notebook to contain notes of importanace.


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