Richard Bergeman

Richard Bergeman

About me


I realize that not all students have the stomach for it, I being one, but I have seen others get a great deal out of student created study groups. I could not encourage this extra-classroom activity enough. It provides support amoung the students and a focal point on the substantive learning process.
Great module, if nothing more than, to remind me that should I tread beyond the subject matter of the class too far I am out of my league and could cause greater damage than the student at first realizes.
It seems incongruous to refer to stress as objective and strain as subjective. It seems too obvious to say that our coping skills differ and are not universal. It is precisely the uniqueness of our coping-skills and our stress which makes this module so helpful and the lesson so challenging; sans the statement that stress is objective.
It seems to me that retention is only possible with one who desires to be retained. It has been my experience that instructors have a better view of a students desire than an admissions representative. Far from a criticism this appears to be a truism. As such, how can one better balance the success anticipated by the admissions representative of a new student with the success (i.e., retention) actually achieved in the classroom.

I agree with many of the other comments that the self-recogition of blind spots is not easy but it is helpful to know of the existence of such blind spots. I detect the existance of my blind spots in test results by the students. I find the difficulty on measuring blind spots even more baffling when not all students suffer the frustration of dealing with my blind spots. In other words some students perform remarkably well, in spite of my blind spots, and some students do not. Student blind spots, although less meaasurable, are far more alarming to me than… >>>

I would find it very uncomfortable, and even a bit careless or dangerous to intiate contact with a student on a personal level. Even were the student to initiate the discussion the line that should not be crossed begins to materialize. What do you think of this red flag?

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