Rachel Friedman

Rachel Friedman

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Are you ready to take an online course? The instructor and the students should do a self-analysis on whether you are ready to take this course.  Some of the questions would be, do you have the technology to dedicate this time? Are you self-motivated? Do you have time management?  One thing I always stated to my F2F courses is that for every one hour of lecture you should study 2 hours at home.  Can you set reminders the day before due dates? 

For the instructor, it will take 20 plus hours to develop the online environment to be enriched and… >>>

Problem based learning is one of the best ways to get students to drive their own learning and experience. They can work independently and in groups.  Ideas where we take real life situations and delve deeper into how a solution can be formed.  One can draw from their own experiences and use critical thinking to create solutions. Instructors can lead students into various ways to help students like; managing projects and holding leadership roles like you would do in a career. Self-directed learning to solve problems, application and analysis of course content can further one's experience in the class. 

PBL… >>>

Although time management on assignments may take longer than expected, students need to adjust to a new way of preparing. for the online class.  Group projects have good outcomes when you have a rubric.  It is clear how much effort you make on a project because rubric's outline what needs to be included. Additionally, peer review can be utilized early to see what is missing for last minute work.

The importance of online learning is giving and alternative to students in a busy life.  Adult learners especially have it hard to go to a brick-and-mortar environment while trying to improve on one's level of education and training. During the pandemic, I taught high school medical careers and body systems and the students were never used to the learning environment.  Teacher's had to quickly integrate google classroom or canvas to broaden the experience and whether you are on zoom or google meet there is an opportunity to see everyone's face and break out.  I loved to do slam chats on… >>>

Delivering Course Content 

New teachers have a daunting task to develop the pedagogical skills. As a captain steers his ship a teacher must lead students in an exploration of knowledge and skill.  Keeping in mind students learning styles and ways of delivering information the goal is still to get students to learn and retain.  I think teachers who have great delivery and use different ways to get students attention is key.

A well-seasoned teacher can always improve on what worked and what didn't in lecture or in demonstration.

First impressions set the tone for the rest of the class. Welcoming students into the classroom at the door. Teachers need to be friendly and approachable.  Ice breakers for each student to interview another student to find things in common and why they are taking the class.  Giving time to go over the syllabus and teacher's bio as well.  

One way a teacher can be best prepared is to check for understanding from class to class.  Knowing all the students' names, answer questions from last class, idle chit chat as the students are entering in the room.  Being prepared with all your supplies as a teacher will help the flow of the class.

It is something to be said when you have an instructor that is happy to see you and acknowledge that you are in the classroom.  For me, I have been an educator for 28 years and every new group of students is an opportunity to create new connections.  When you model like a mentor, they will learn to mentor.  Remember you will be spending many hours with your students, and you will get to know them, and they will get to know you.  Management takes practice and organization. Motivation also is a hidden gem; you are their cheerleader for success. 

Friendly reminders to all students as assignments are due, when the whole class participates also give praise! 

The was the instructor handles the on line class is how students will either stay or not. Teachers need to reflect on what works and what doesnt.

During the pandemic, there was a new paradigm in education.  Teachers had to transfer all their knowledge into an online format. For me, I wanted to be sensitive to the loneliness the students were feeling. One way I developed relationships is that all cameras were on so we all could see each other, another way was to do text blasts on emotional awareness, or to see if they were paying attention. Lastly, having each student have time to share out and lead.

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