Ronald Dooley

Ronald Dooley

About me


Excellent way to introduce the benefits of learning and implementing the knowledge through successful recruiting.


Honesty brings forth respect and students follow suggestions from those they respect.

There are poor times to call adult s since most work.  Careful notes regarding the times you call and no answer eliminates repeating the same call with no response.  Sometimes I start later in the day so that I can reach prospects in the early evening.

I have founf that the time management is very important with online prospects, due to the time zone that is different from mine.


Any discussion on improvement methods on assessing a student's real motives?

This class defines clearly the roles which really assits me in hiring.

Blog Comment

It definitely will asist you if you practice what you have learned.


@amgaspari :Good idea!  It appears there are many benefits that we will find valuable as a manager.

I took this course to understand the compliance issues from a recruiter aspect.  It has given me a framework

for training and how to assure compliance requirements are being met.  Good program!



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