Alexander Lowe

Alexander Lowe

About me


This may be an awkward question, but the school that I teach at has a lot of parents that are very well off. I feel some of the students are there because they thought it would be fun to get a degree from this particular institution, yet were not aware that it actually takes an effort to do well. Some of these students have not worked as hard and even slowed the classes down because they are used to having things done for them. How do I approach these students that don't have the same drive as other students who… >>>

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I personally don't have any formal education as an instructor, and have acquired a teaching position because of my professional experience.  I really enjoy teaching and feel I have a pretty natural ability to it.  My students seem to like how and what I teach them. 

The ED 104 program did make me evaluate my performance as a teacher.  I do feel there are some very valid points with good, supportive explainations of the topics at hand in the course.   I have already noticed a difference in the way I approach some philosophies in my teaching style.

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